Our LOVE Ministry projects are located near the sink area in the CTK Gathering Space between the Church and the Family Life Center.
Love Notes is the Card Ministry for our parish, and our team leaders are Janie Kelley and Kristin McConnell. They send cards to people who are in nursing homes, homebound, grieving, lonely, experiencing homelessness - anyone who would like to be remembered by the people of our church.
Service opportunities are available one-time or ongoing ... it's up to you.
Visit the LOVE Notes page on our website HERE to learn more and to submit the name of someone who would like to receive a note of encouragement or to sign up as a ongoing volunteer. We also have writing prompts available in case you aren't quite sure what to write.
Here's how it works:
Pick up pieces of blank card stock in the CTK Gathering Space, decorate the cards, and add an encouraging note.
You may also make cards entirely from scratch using your own craft supplies.
Not artistic? No worries - greeting cards are also available in the Gathering Space.
Not sure what to say? Visit our LOVE Notes page HERE and view/download our sheet of writing prompts.
Please return your cards to the LOVE Notes Mailbox (unsealed please) in the CTK Gathering Space.
Questions? Email our team at ctklovenotes@gmail.com
This is a mission project we hope everyone participates in at least once. It just takes a few minutes to make someone's day. Thank you for helping us spread the love of Jesus Christ into the world!