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Thank you to all our volunteers and donors! We give thanks to God and for your willingness to be His hands and feet, this was our largest St. Joseph Celebration yet!

St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

photography by Raymond Bertasi

The CTK Italian Club hosts our annual St. Joseph Celebration in March of every year. They also come together to cook, share stories/traditions, and give glory to God in all things!

Join our group - all are welcome!


Our Team Leader is Janie Kelley

Questions?  Contact her HERE

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Solemnity of Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Just click the image to download our volunteers' favorite recipes!

History of St. Joseph Altar


The St. Joseph Altar is Sicilian in origin. During a terrible famine, the people of Sicily pleaded to St. Joseph, their patron saint, for relief. St. Joseph answered their prayers, and the famine ended. In gratitude, they prepared a table with foods they had harvested. After paying homage to St. Joseph, they distributed the food to the less fortunate.

The Altar is set up in three tiers, representing the Holy Trinity. A statue of St. Joseph is placed on the top tier, usually surrounded by flowers, greenery & fruit.

Breads, cakes and cookies, baked in symbolic Christian shapes, are prepared for the Altar. Pastries in the shapes of monstrance, chalices, crosses, doves, lambs, fish, bibles, hearts, wreaths and palms adorn the tiers of the Altar. Symbols of St. Joseph – such as lilies, staffs, sandals, ladders, saws, hammers and nails – are also used. There is symbolism in many of the items on the Altar. Breadcrumbs represent the sawdust of St. Joseph the Carpenter. Twelve whole fish represent the apostles. Wine is symbolic of the Miracle at Cana.

Christ the King
Italian club

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