welcome to the mission!
Our MOVE Admin Team is comprised of our CTK Mission Director and a team of volunteer support staff. MOVE Admin helps all our missions and ministries run smoothly, providing supplies, support, technology, and logistical assistance.
We want to hear from you, so never hesitate to reach out to us. Contact information is below or click HERE to view our Leadership Team or send them a message.
Betty Jo King, Mission Director
Jenna Muesse, HOPE Carts, Supplies, MOVE Office
Evelyn Hart, Volunteer Coordinator, VicNet app
Donna Breuer, The Little Flower Pantry
Melanie Riley, MOVE Appeal
Leaders Team
We love to hear your ideas - scroll down to contact us
As we pray and work together to discern God's will for Christ the King's Mission, Outreach and Evangelization Ministries, we want to hear from you! Your ideas, comments, questions, concerns - they are very important to us. You are welcome to fill in your contact information, or not - it's up to you.
Thank you for your prayers, service & gifts - they make all the difference!
Isabel Adams
Mike Bernardo
Rachel Blair
Marvin Boyd
Donna Breuer
Dc. Tom Cannon
Peggy Casey
Gio Chiechi
Shell Davies
Will Garmon
Jeff Gramlich
Evelyn Hart
Jackie Kaufman
Janie Kelley
Betty Jo King
Nicole Lashbrook
Kristin McConnell
Elena McNeff
Mike Miskin
Jenna Muesse
Lorien Trapani
Teri Tribby
Lee Wilbur
Lori Wilbur